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OLI Studio: Stream Analyzer 物性分析软件培训内容
  OLI Studio: Stream Analyzer 电解质与水化学物性分析软件的标准培训内容如下:

  Introduction to OLI Studio: Stream Analyzer simulation

  The User Interface – Workspace and Tool bars

  Stream Definition – Enter components, composition, and conditions such as T, P, etc.

  Types of calculations
    Single point calculation using variety of equilibrium methods: Isothermal flash, bubble / dew points, solubilities, set pH, etc.
    Single and dual surveys to study trends using independent variables of T, P, composition, and pH
    Contour plot

  Review stream results
    Identifying the main report tables
    Output interpretation, including customization of plots and reports
    Contour plots
    Exporting data

  Water Analysis
    Entering ionic inflows
    Scaling Tendencies and Scaling Index
    Converting an ionic inflow into a molecular inflow

    Water Incompatibility
    Titration curve

  You will also become familiar with the following electrolyte chemistry theory
    Electrolyte speciation, acid-base chemistry, and other common chemical reactions
    Basic electrolyte thermodynamics for equilibrium constants and activity coefficients
    Precipitation/Dissolution and vapor/liquid reactions
    Oxidation-Reduction redox potential

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