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Aspen HTFS Research Network

Aspen HTFS Research Network

      A comprehensive reference to the science and technology supporting the Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating suite of thermal design programs

      The Aspen HTFS Research Network provides online access to comprehensive references to heat exchanger theory and practice, detailed derivation and comparisons of design methods, validation of design procedures, description of the technical methods used by the Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating thermal suite of products, and over 35 years of HTFS research. Aspen HTFS Research Network is a core element of AspenTech's aspenONE Process Engineering applications.


  • HTFS Handbook : A comprehensive reference to heat exchanger theory and practice.
  • HTFS Design Reports : A detailed derivation and comparisons of design methods, validation of design procedures, and description of the technical methods used in the HTFS programs.
  • HTFS Research Reports : Access to approximately 1,200 published research reports containing results of the HTFS heat transfer research from 1971 to the present.
  • Heatflo Database : A bibliographic reference database containing references to over 120,000 high-quality experimental and theoretical research papers in the field of applied heat transfer and fluid flow relevant to the needs of the chemical process and power industries.
  • HEAD: Online utility program to select the suitable heat exchanger type for a given process application, based on cost and technical suitability. HEAd provides detailed information on design, manufacture, and operation.
  • DEVIZE : Online utility to guide the engineer through the thermal design of shell & tube heat exchangers using a graphical, interactive, and highly visual engineering approach.


  • Troubleshooting : Access to leading heat transfer specialists to help troubleshoot plant and design issues.
  • Influence Product Direction : Participation in Review Panels that monitor the progress of research and software development, and assist in the definition of priorities.
  • Sharing of Knowledge : Networking with other heat transfer practitioners


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电话: 010-58247182/58247181/58247115 传真: 010-58247191
北京中油奥特科技有限公司 版权所有 @2021
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